Content Management for Chartered Accountants CA

RSACAS Services

Content Management for Chartered Accountants CA

CA Rajni M. Shah is the founder partner of the firm. The firm was established in the year 1986. Mr. Rajni M. Shah has more than twenty-five years of experience in the profession and in the fields like Accounts, ERP, SAP, Audit, Income Tax, Service Tax, and Project Finance. He regularly writes articles for the journal of Chartered Accountants Association, Ahmedabad. The firm is managed by 2 partners Rajni Shah and Jainee Shah each having an explicit responsibility towards the services rendered by himself/herself and by the various levels of staff working under him/her.


Key problems

  • Interactive user interface and simple design
  • Services provided by RSACAS should be displayed
  • People can visit a website and get all information about RSACA
  • People should know about Audit and Insurance services
  • Unemployed can apply for the job position
  • Display list of members to whom Rajni Shah and Jainee Shah belong
  • Display list of clients to which we serve
  • List out different activities performed by Rajni Shah


  • Improve the user interest in getting details using the website.
  • Connect with targeted People
  • Beneficial for those who needed to advise on various types of tax issues
  • Making people aware easily through this website
  • People can get information about them remotely from any device
  • Providing good guidance regarding various issues arising from Tax Amendments and Legal Decisions.

Development Process We Follow

Our design process follows a proven approach. We begin with a deep understanding of your needs and create a planning template.

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